Monday, February 17, 2014

Wheat Bread with Rye and Spelt

A rye sourdough bread combining all 3 major flour types: Wheat (50%), spelt (30%) and rye (20%). All the rye is in the sourdough and all the spelt in the poolish. The combination of all three flours makes for a rich flavor. Longer than usual proofing times (compared to the other recipes I have tried) allow to use less yeast for everyone who doesn't really like the taste of it.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Buttermilk Bread

Another new recipe book that needed trying out. Buttermilk takes the place of water in the grain soaker as well as in the main dough. And a longer proofing period requires less yeast in the poolish. Both the sourdough as well as the poolish are made from whole grain flour which gives the bread a rich flavor.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Malty Multi-Grain Bread

Oat and rye flakes soaked in dark beer give this bread great flavor. This is the third recipe I made that contains a good amount of beer and they all came out great. There is no poolish and total preparation time is relatively short. Makes two 1 1/2lb breads.